The Laika Bar: Sevil runs hot, Katerina to follow

We are going for a cruisey sort of evening this Friday, after Sevil’s hot set last week.


Katerina Myskova will be singing, swinging, and crooning a few ballads, accompanied by Ben “Twang” Stewart on geetar, Doug “Haircut” Kuhn on bass, and meself on the grand piano. Warm evening in prospect, stroll down the part-renovated Fitzroy Street to the beach front end and drop in for a glass and a chill or two.

Katerina Myskova at Laika Bar, 9 Fitzroy Street, St Kilda, from 8.00pm ’til the DJ turns up (around 10.30) Friday 16th October 2015

The Sunday Jam and The Captain Chaos Chronicles… continued

It is surprisingly hard to hear the jazz jam from Brisbane, which is where I was for the weekend. I am indebted to Captain Chaos for a reliable report of this week’s debacle – not that it was a debacle, it was by all accounts, singularly spiffin’

The ageing Captain (see below) reports as follows:

Sunday at the Leinster Arms

The jam kicked off with a lone saxophonist, Doug K on Bass, John C on Keys and newcomer Alan Richards on drums. Taariq joined in on guitar and much later on bass. David Lole took over from JC and the sax section was reinforced by John Callamatta and another newcomer, Julian. Gary relieved Doug on bass. Don took a turn on keys and Alex on drums. Ben Stewart and Alex Yarosh joined in on guitar and Ivan played bass. Peter Cole and Keith Hughes added to the reeds and Igor added to the drums. Sam Izzo played a cameo on keys..Vocals were supplied by Kevin Rolfe, Debbie Woodroffe and Maria. Christine and Bruce arrived late to keep the vibe moving along.

A surprise visitor was a bearded Buddy Love who has recently moved to Queensland.

This Sunday, the jam will be somewhat augmented by the celebration of the Venerable Captain turning 70. Drop in and say g’day!

…and stick to the black notes, they are cheaper.

It has been a long time coming: The Captain cracks it for 70

He’s been creating Chaos for a number of years, and the time is getting near for a reckoning.  Reckoning has never been the Captain’s strong point, due to his ability to count up to four with variable results at best. He needs all the help he can get.

To help him celebrate this occasion  he would like all current and past Jammers to join him for an Extraordinary Jam Session at the Leinster Arms on the 18th October. at 4pm. Some nibbles and beverages will be provided and music will flow until 8pm

Some of you may wonder at the Captain’s capacity for chaos. All current and past Jammers  actually number well over three hundred.  If they all turn up, the Captain’s Chaos making ability will be severely curtailed by a lack of elbow room.

Nevertheless, make a date in your Diary, Should be a bit of fun. 


The Captain, when he first started jamming in 2008

Ray Hood at La Niche.

Ever taciturn, Ray Hood, guitarist, has forwarded the following:

Jazz partisans, Ray Hood, Gustavo Moreno, Ben Harmsen performing at
La Niche
67 Smith St Fitzroy
17 Oct 7.30pm
Cheers Ray

Yes, well, cheers Ray to you too. I guess you have covered all the major food groups, but if anyone wants to know more,  La Niche is a delightfully eccentric and French bar down the southern end of Smith Street, Gustavo is one hot drummer, and Ben Harmsen is scarey good on bass. Ray, the original  “Lounge Lizard” can even play three or four chords on his ukulele without looking, much, at the frets. Should be a good night!

(originally posted on 8th Oct)

The Gold Street Sheltered Workshop for Indigent Musos

We have never quite managed to work out what makes a jam session “tick” And even if we could, we probably wouldn’t, on the basis that there is always another perfectly good jazz toon waiting to be mangled beyond recognition.

Whatever, this one was an absolute peach. Took a bit of time to come to the boil, but when wasn’t that the case? Once we had a drummer slotted in, and Ivan the terrible had unwrapped and tweaked his basso profundo, this was as good a session as we can remember (admittedly we prefer not to remember too much these days) – a smaller roll call than the last few weeks, but class all the way.

The opening stanza bubbled along, with a welcome return by trumpeter Peter Dann, a desperate attempt (unsuccessful) at a latin beat by meself on drums failing to disrupt the debonair JC, tickler of ivories to the gentry, and a bit of a reed lick by the Captain and Tony. Mr Hirsh esq. was cajoled into taking over the percussion department. Things livened up with Ribdig De Feene (she asked me to spell her name right, what was she thinking) trotting out Some Other Time, and then Besame Mucho sung in Spanish, which finished in an extended drum solo by the Hirsh, possibly also in Spanish, defying all attempts by Keef to join in.

Taleb took over on drums, followed by Il Duce, I think, and Jason Chalmers wandered in and blew up a storm, but in a good way, and by the time we got to Mercy Mercy Mercy, the joint was jumping fit to bust, and even the 21st Birthday party in the Atrrium (Glen’s spelling, so it must be right) wandered in to enjoy the chaos. Kids these days!

There followed some mighty fine keyboard work by David Lol, the ever smooth Alex Jarosh on guitar, in walked Cardinal Pell, the Izzo and a coupla others before I left, well surprised at what fun it had been. They could be going hard at it still.

And if you are at a loose end next Sunday, will we see you at the Gold Street Sheltered Workshop for Indigent Musicians for the next one?

The Sunday Jam, every week at the Leinster Arms, Gold Street, Colliwobble, from 4.00pm until we knock off around 7.30.

The Laika Bar: Sevil Sabah Quartet, the beachfront end

Sevil DSC03743 fx

Sevil will be polishing up her setlist, with a few new toons, and some regular rusty and crusty favourites at the Laika. Supported by Ben Stewart (guitar), Doug Kuhn (bass), meself on piano, and Chelsea Allen on drums.

Quite what the regulars make of all this is a mystery to me, but drop in if you are in the neighbourhood – we start at 8.00 by which time the day – shift for burgs and car theft have knocked off for tea; and we finish around 10.30, just before the other half of Fitzroy Street turns to recreational chemicals and rock and roll. It’s a funny old street, but the beachfront end has a style all its own. I am told…

Sevil Sabah Quartet, from 8.00pm Friday 9th October at The Laika Bar, 9 Fitzroy Street, St Kilda,

The Castlemaine Jam Session (first Sunday of every month)

Coupla jammers made it to the Jam up Norf (Doug Haircut Kuhn and pianist Tiina) last weekend. Good reports of the session from the locals. Some of these Jams have had some really good musos, and there is always a keen audience. If you would like details of the next one, contact Ken on and a glossy poster or something will be winging its way in no time.

The Marysville Jazz and Blues Festival 16th – 18th October

Avid devotees of the calendar will appreciate that the inaugural Festival is getting closer – I spoke to organiser Peter Grest last week, and he is getting quite excited about the whole deal. So he should . This will be a great weekend in the “new” Marysville; and well suited to those who wish to further explore the deep and meaningful connection between jazz, blues, food and a cooling draught.

Chaos Returns, China Stockmarket plummets, Japan hit by typhoon

And all is back to the new normal at Chateau Leinster, watering hole of the Colliwobble cognoscenti.

So… wandered in to the Gold Street Gossip Shop at about quarter past something or other to be greeted by the sight of a young, talented, good looking and delusional pianist. Glen must have polished the mirror for the first time in ages.

And speaking of polish, there was Captain Chaos his good self, armed and dangerous, and ready to blow a few toons. Pausing only to admire the fine skein of cobwebs that emerged from his weapon of choice, I settled down for a refreshing b., and a bit of natter, awaiting the first mangled melody with a keen anticipation. The room was filling fast, sun was streaming through the lovat green and vermilion stained glass window, there was a quiet hum of gossip around the room, all with the desultory clicking of the eight ball heroes in the front bar. It doesn’t get any better than this, I thought, and for quite a while it didn’t

The jams have seen a lot of new faces in recent weeks, as well as the usual miscreants, but tis one turned into a busy little set, with Ben, Chico, Alex and Colonel T on guitars, meself and Gerald swapping keys, Keef, The Captain, Peter Cole and Red Hat Calamatta on reeds, with a dude called Jeremy contributing some clarinet for spice, Chrissie Manetta and Bruce, Kev on tonsils, and Carlton on bass. Kay Young popped in from downtown Darwin, as you do, and the ever improving Steve, Il Duce, and Talev (?) waved sticks and brushes around with conviction, occasionally hitting something to show they meant business.

There was even a very large Tuba wandered through the room – didn’t play, possibly due to the lack of a bagpipe section. No jam can be perfect (it would be ruined if it was) but after a while this one was pretty damn good.

Steady on lads…

The Sunday Jam, every week at the Leinster Arms, Gold Street, Colliwobble, from 4.00pm until we knock off around 7.30. See ya this week?

The Laika Bar : what ho!

The Sevil Sabah Quartet had a moderately fabulous night, with sit in drummer Chelsea Allen aceing it up from time to time, and even Ade Ish sitting in for a while. Even Grumpy Boris cracked it for a grin… Susie sat in for one number, and looked the goods. She is rehearsing up a repertoire and will take a full night at the Laika soon.

This week, we are going all instrumental, which always seems to work well, with Doug, meself, Ben Stewart (guitar) the Captain, and possibly a drummer if we remember to book one. Don’t tell the singers, but the instrumental nights have consistently worked well. Wheels must fall of eventually.

Looking forward to it, nevertheless…

The usual crew, from 8.00pm Friday 2nd October at The Laika Bar, 9 Fitzroy Street, St Kilda,

Stan the Van: Standing Tall Gigs

October 13

This is not a “Standing Tall” gig but a special jazz night at The Open Studio (204 High Street, Northcote) featuring two other bands that I am in: “Blowout” featuring Robert Pettinato on drums, Peter Ryan on guitar, Colin Garrett on tenor saxophone and myself on bass  (6 to 7.30pm); and “The Rory Clarke Trio” featuring Rory Clarke on piano, Mike Hirsh on drums and myself on bass (8 to 10pm). Rory is a well-known pianist and composer with several albums to his credit. Don Brow of Jazz Scene Magazine describes him as a “New young jazz pianist of enviable talent”. This will be a great night of modern swinging jazz.

October 18

The regular monthly spot for “Standing Tall” at The Open Studio, from 4.30 to 7.30 on a Sunday afternoon.

November 3

Celebrate your Melbourne Cup winnings (or commiserate with your losses) at Dizzy’s Jazz Bar (381 Burnley Street, Richmond) starting at 8pm. We will be featuring a number of new tunes and arrangements that are bound to get you up and dancing! Dinner and table bookings at 9428 1233.

Hope to see you at these gigs
