Sunday Jazz at The Junktion Hotel

Sunday started as cold as a mother in law’s kiss, with belts of rain driving all the way across town from Essendon, and a biting wind to boot. Surely even the Jammers would prefer to stay home…

And so it seemed when we had a decidedly quiet start, if such a thing were possible with JH blowing the tits off his tenor.. He soon smoothed it out and he and the Captain entertained with a selection of instrumentals.

It wasn’t until well past 5.00pm that the bar started to fill – we ended up with 26 musicians, notably including singer Carol., who at one stage was the only female in the room, Cardinal Calamatta who set the tone with some sweet sax, Ivan on a semi – cured knee, Alan Richards playing drums as well as ever, the Curtis, Malcolm 1st on keys, Bill and Matt on drums, Peter Garam, (piano man) for his first visit to the Junk, hopefully not his last, Fermin on some sweet solos, and Neil playing a million notes on guitar, beautifully, and a bunch of others. Later arrivals included Pony Tail Pete on bass, Ashley De Wangarratta, Kevin and Brian on honey-toned tonsils. The session started to jump. … At which point, I had to leave and drive back to Essendon in more rain.

This ended up the biggest turn out of musicians at the Junk so far.

Update on the Leinster Arms Hotel… cancelled

We have decided to cancel the “final bash” at the Leinster Arms Hotel. This would have required us to transfer all the gear to the Lunatic Soup Kitchen for lunch, play in the small bar as the Atrium is already booked, and then perform a mad dash to the Junk, set up all the gear again and be ready to start by 4.00pm. Ain’t going to happen.

Apologies to those of you who were proposing to go. Since opening at the Junk, very few people (none, actually) have said they miss the Gold Street Gossip Shop, so all reminiscences, scurrilous gossip and wildly exaggerated rumours have been transferred to the Junktion Hotel.


Captain Chaos, Laurie Savage and Peter Garam having fun at the
Leinster (Christmas 2016)

We played at the Leinster Arms Sheltered Workshop for over eight years, occasionally straying into an approximation of jazz, always getting in Glen’s way, and being too loud. It was kind of fun. Best wishes to Il Duce for his Sunbury venture.

Sunday Jazz at The Junktion Hotel

The Captain nails it.

Lorsque le pélican, lassé d’un long voyage,

Dans les brouillards du soir retourne à ses roseaux

Etcetera. etcetera It doesn’t end well, at least for the pelican. About the only French I can remember after 8 years study…

With a combined musical experience of about 238 years, the Jammers crew should have been expected to put on a reasonably competent performance, and this week they did. Opening stanza by Laurie Savage and Jeff Harris. Guichi getting more confident on her violin. All of it topped by Captain Chaos getting the changes right, and everyone had a dip. Not an easy feat, and the fact he did it without even appearing to pay attention made the session a good one. Continue reading →