Inside The Leinster 12 Nov 2017

So with some of the riff raff wandering all over the country it was left to the crème de la crème to hold the fort at the centre of jamming invention that is The Leinster. That is to say a decent number of us graced the establishment with a surprising level of proficiency.

On Drums we had Steve Bray, Allan Richards and Mike Hirsch who all played well. On Piano Gentleman John Curtis played a long stint before being relieved by this (edited) scribe followed by Malcolm and later Richard and Trevor tinkled the digital ivories.

On bass your reporter rotated on electric bass guitar with Pony tail Pete who played well. The guitar spot was occupied by Fermin who was relieved by this scribe and the contrast in guitar styles was noted during this scribe’s guitar solo on a Cole

Porter number. What was that about the never ending story?

We had quite a number of reed men with Laurie on tenor saxophone taking the Jammers through a version of the Latin Jazz tune Morning. Jeff played some fluent lines on the saxophone and Noel and the true Capitano of Chaos also contributed with their horn skills and organizational inventiveness.

Someone played 21st century tone music for a while which was a change from all that way out bebop stuff.

Vocalists also dabbling included Brian and the lovely Manaal with a version of My Funny Valentine.

So another jam with more of the usual suspects allowed the show to go on in a better way than of late and so we will see you there next Sunday. I should be there whether you like it or not!

Not a usual correspondent but an edited one nevertheless!
With thanks to Col T

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