Newport Jazz Festival News

We stagger from disaster to disaster these days. The helpful folk at the Substation cancelled our provisional booking without telling us and let the venue out for a month. So scrub that one off the list.

The Captain is in negotiation with the Navy to get the RAN Band.

We have put together a reduced Festival structure: 30 bands maximum because we need to comply with social distancing requirements, leaving just 265 tickets a day to be sold – we will shortly put up a reservation system so you can confirm your ticket but you don’t have to pay until just before the Festival (May 1st/May 2nd).

Of course, having only 30 bands means we will have the very best bands available. They are all keen and busting a chop to get out and perform…

The Jammers Bit: On the subject of Nothing, and other irrelevancies

Nothing happening this week. If nothing lasts long enough, we will all be doing nothing next week as well. Despite this preoccupation, last week’s newsletter got a bumper number of hits – even though we put it out a tad late – or maybe, because …

Festival Breaking News:

The 85th Australian Jazz Convention cancelled.

We have been advised that the Australian Jazz Convention will be postponed to December 2021. This was to have been the 75th Convention – it started in 1946 and is already the longest running Jazz Festival in the Southern Hemisphere. It has retained a strong association with Trad Jazz – more properly, Trad Revival.

So old is this Festival, that when it started, Trad Revival was at the cutting edge of music – and its exponents were seen as the rebels of their day. It is technically possible that some 20 year old muso in 1946, now 94, is still going. Putting it back another year will be hardest on the old hands.

Links to Newport Jazz Festival and Jammers News:



Second Inaugural Newport Jazz Festival

May 1st and May 2nd, 2021



51weeks to go!

72 Bands looks like the limit…

Several people contacted us about the Festival which was originally due to play last week. The weather was far too cold anyway…

The Festival Logo: 2021 edition above. It is so subtle (the date has changed) that the Ed missed it last week and kept the old one.

Band Bookings: We have contacted approximately 60 registered band leaders to make sure they are available for 1st/2nd May 2021 – every single one that we talked to said they weren’t busy that weekend. They are now…

Grant Application: Hobsons Bay City Council: they contacted us to confirm that our grant application for 2021 stands. It does, but Council is holding back on a decision whilst the restrictions on public events are eased.

The Festival Committee plans to reconvene in December 2020

The Second Inaugural Newport Jazz Festival

The Second Inaugural Newport Jazz Festival

clip_image002May 1st and May 2nd 2021

52 weeks to go! 60+ Bands looks likely.

Have spent the week perusing the American jazz scene – and  found the first 2021 Festival cancellation (it was a American folk festival and we all hope thye have afew folk left by then. Whilst the local music scene is struggling, we have it a lot better than in the States.

The Festival Logo: 2021 edition above. Subtle innit?

Band Bookings: We have contacted approximately 60 band leaders to make sure they are available for 1st/2nd May 2021 – every single one that we talked to said they weren’t busy that weekend. They are now…

The Festival Committee plans to reconvene in December 2020

The Festival Committee plans to reconvene in December 2020

The Second Inaugural Newport Jazz Festival

The Second Inaugural Newport Jazz Festival


clip_image002May 1st and May 2nd 2021

53 weeks to go! 60+ Bands looks likely.

A slack lot…

We have contacted the registered band leaders (some still to go as of 23rd April), to make sure they are still available for the 2021 Festival, always assuming that the current embargo on almost everything has ended, we haven’t lost our chops… and are still keen.

A bit to our surprise, almost everyone admitted to rather enjoying the lock down as an opportunity to do very little. About half thought that this might last longer than May 2021, and the other half thought it would be all over in no time (or about August 2020).

Several asked if they could up the ante by submitting another band for registration. Of course – the website now has the correct (2021) dates on it, so go for your life.

The Festival Committee plans to reconvene in December 2020

Newport Jazz Festival 1st & 2nd May 2021


57 weeks to go!

60+ Bands looks likely

Katerina Myskova the first to register… Jen Salisbury ditto

A bit to our surprise, very few musos have withdrawn their registration, and the date looks good… although one might wonder if this lockdown will end in time…

We will guarantee any band on that list that wants to stay registered a spot for next year.

The Financial Plan: first draft of 2021 Festival done (and submitted to HBCC).

The Bands: we actually had 64 bands register their interest this year – without any advertising at all. So 72 bands seems like an achievable target and that is what we area aiming for..

The Venues: We are hoping to add The Substation (two venues) to the list as well as possibly putting a Marquee on Paine’s Reserve.

The Festival Committee plans to reconvene in December 2020

Newport Festival Aust Cancelled


Advice to all Bandleaders and registered Musicians

Newport Jazz Festival deferred to 1st/2nd May 2021

Corona Virus: The expert advice (1) that we have received is that current modelling shows infection rates climbing rapidly, and then starting to decline around August. For quite some time after August, there is now a real risk that tickets will not be purchased by people worried by the coronavirus situation.

The Financial model for the Festival is based upon all registered musicians receiving an equal share of profit from the Festival. If the Festival does not make a profit, then musicians do not get reimbursed. (2) We think that it is in your best interest as a musician, to defer the Festival until after things have settled down.

Venues: We have discussed this situation with the venue managers (3) . They are making their premises available either free (The Newport Bowls Club and the RSL), or at a reduced rental rate – their profit from food and beverage sales relies on sufficient numbers of people attending the Festival.

It would not be possible to hold the Festival during the Bowls season (September to April)

Choices for registered musicians:

If you have already registered and paid the $25 registration fee

Do nothing: we will hold your registration for the 2021 Festival date


Request a refund: We will process these as quickly as possible. You would need to re-register for the 2021 Festival in due course. This option costs the Festival organisers approximately 75c per refund.

If you have not registered yet and paid no fee. Hold your registration until the due date in March 2021.

If you have purchased a ticket or partner ticket: let us know if you would like a refund:

We will refund all Partner tickets now or hold until new Festival date. It is likely that ticket costs will increase for 2021, but tickets already purchased and not used until 2021 will be valid without any extra cost.

(1) Andrew Fuller, head of Infectious Diseases Unit at Alfred Hospital
(2) The 2020 Financial model was based on a projected reimbursement of $76 each plus $25 registration fee repaid. This assumed 500 tickets sold.
(3) Newport Bowls Club, Newport RSL, Newport Scouts, Newport Community Hub and Library



The Newport Jazz Festival
1st & 2nd May 2021

Yup, check the dates above. We have taken a deep breath and postponed the Festival until the same time next year. Band leaders and registered musicians have been informed and a copy of the advice is attached.

We will be locking the website whilst we process refunds etc. Leaving plenty of time for something else to go wrong…

We do not know how many bands will stay registered for next year, how many will run screaming for the hills, never to be seen again. Hopefully, the same list as was confirmed just two weeks ago… We will guarantee any band on that list that wants to stay registered a spot for next year.

The Newport Jazz Festival 2 & 3 May 2020


8+ weeks to go!

The Band registrations are closed, thank goodness. Now we need to issue the preliminary list of accepted bands, and get the musicians to register by 27th March.

More Venues! A bit to our surprise, the Newport Community Hub people had provisionally reserved more times for the two rooms we are using, as well as keeping the Mechanics Hall available for us. Whoop Whoop.

The Captain has been busy setting up the first draft of the playing schedule – details should be out soon. Can he accommodate all the bands that have registered? Nearly – watch this space (or log onto the website which has more details.)

The Committee: Susie is busy on posters, Deb will have the minutes of the last meeting up any day now, we have contacted APRA about their fee for the Festival (don’t laugh, there will be some APRA members amongst the registered musos), and should get the insurance proposal any day now.

Facebook/Whats App/Twitter: Facebook site up and running, thanks to the Bowls Club boys. Susie has Instagram up and running. First post: the Poster!

The Website Being progressively updated with information on the bands that are playing. Featured this week Visionary Steel (local band, extremely and exotically moderne) and The Slipdixies (trad band, washboard, banjo, sousaphone and everything in between)

Check out the website (updated) , like it on your Facebook page

Newport Jazz Festival News

The Newport Jazz Festival May 2nd and May3rd, 2020

9 weeks to go!

The Band registrations are closed, thank goodness. Now we need to issue the preliminary list of accepted bands, and get the musicians to register by 27th March.

Venues; The Captain has had a good week – wrangling Estate Agent sized advertising signs at the Bowls Club, trying, and failing to get Leroys on board, and ending up with a fairly buzzing contact from the Victorian Jazz Club putting us in touch with more FM radio stations and holding out the promise of some further financial assistance, which may mean we might be able to solve some of our venue shortage problem. Now count the ifs, buts and maybes etc in that last sentence.

The Committee: Met again this week, and held a short notice AGM to get Consumer Affairs happy and back in their cot. Positive news all round, we are still solvent and on track; and we all got to the jam in time afterwards…

Facebook/Whats App/Twitter: Facebook site up and running, thanks to the Bowls Club boys. Instagram will be live this week.

The Website Not much movement this week – although we have updated the band registration page, and added more band details as they come to hand.

Check out the website (updated) , like it on your Facebook page

Update: The Newport Jazz Festival 2 & 3rd May 2020


Venues and Bands ; The Captain and I have spent the week trying to rustle up more venues – and the funds to pay for them. We now have more bands that have registered their interest than we currently have space for. Some of them are damn good, too. This week’s haul: a few trad bands on the old crusty wing, and avant garde Aurora Lumina at the other edge. Much talk of “spectrum” this week, as we are keen to offer a wide range of jazz styles.

The missing musician malarkey: We have a surprisingly large database of musicians – some of whom would be eagerly awaiting your call if you are one or two short.

The Committee: Met this week, cast a despairing eye over the bar chart (it is going vertical as we speak) and set about planning a media campaign.

Facebook/Whats App/Twitter: Facebook site up and running, thanks to the Bowls Club boys.

Susie has Instagram in hand

The Website We have put up details and photos on the first 40 or so bands, a few more still to come. Next task is to get some interior shost of the venues – they are surprisingly shmicko, with two big stages in the Bowls club and the RSL.

Check out the website here and like it on your Facebook page.

The Jammers Bit

The Castlemaine Jam Session:

A quick sortie up the Calder got me to t the Maurocco Bar last Sunday. Gwynn at the door, John Hannah doing the technical thing, Ken Turnbull the opening numbah, whilst Crafty old Mauro is making a motza out of this – it is the busiest day of the week for the Maurocco Bar. A lively afternoon, from Jaz Stutely and her band, through to Norm Gray and a few hot players at the other end, with Don from Halls Gap in between, all held together by Maggie Jackson and one of the rare occasions when the C Jam has out numbered the P Jam. Probably because neither meself, nor the Hirsh nor Alan Richards nor Brian made it to the Post.

Highlights of the day included a tuba, washboard and banjo, Norm’s trumpet playing and a lady (Cathy?) playing violin and singing rather well. The Hirsh played a slightly confused solo on drums (it wasn’t him doing the confusing), Brian thinks he can get away with the same Everyday I have the Blues, but he can’t because the St Kilda Post mafiosi were there., and Alan was, well, just Alan because that is what he is good at.

The Maurocco remains a great venue, and the crowd in attendance are a cruisy lot.

Pip Avent, Tuba and his trad band at Castlemaine

Meanwhile, back at the Post…

I am indebted to the local snout, aka Chaos, for his pithy comments on the jam session – a quieter one than usual, but some good stuff coming from it – he picked out the John Bell/Jeff Harris Philharmonic Orchestra for being particularly articulate, Roger Clark and the Debster for entertaining, and a newcomer (Marganita, but I am sure I have got that wrong) who sang rather well, and whom he hopes will come again. And a dancer (Natalie?) who, well, danced. No, can’t read my notes, who danced well.

The Debster – all frocked up

Michael on guitar was too loud, his off sider Michael on sax really good. Turn up the sax, turn down the axe and come again!

Tye copped the dodgy microphone, or dodgy microphone lead. Sorry, will try and find a solution next week.

So… nobody died, nothing got broken, and a good time was hopefully had by all, although you all left before the free beer ran out, pub burnt down, the Fire Brigade arrived in fancy dress, the PA system worked properly, the tigers were let loose and the drugs wore off. None of which may not have happened. I wouldn’t know, I wasn’t there.

25 musos all up, and a splendid afternoon’s entertainment.

Next week: We might suggest you stick to the black notes, they are cheaper. We might not.

The Fourth Jam Session of 2020

Will be this Sunday, 9nd February at 4.00pm. At The Post Hotel, corner of St Kilda Road and Inkerman Street. And it promises to be an unmitigated disaster as all the muso regulars with an unnecessarily high opinion of themselves will be at Port Fairy, leaving everyone else to dive in and misbehave in their absence. Otherwise known as the (slightly famous) B Team.

Plenty of parking around the Hotel possibly due to the fact that no-one has taken over the area for coal mining, gas fracking or pop tunes done badly. Wide open spaces really, just the spot for your ageing Rover 90 Series 1, Datson 180Y with no seat covers, or similar… and then in to the warm but familiar confines of the Post, for a soothing ale or three.

The Newport Jazz Festival – this week’s updoot

Stop messing about, we are up to pussy’s bow with bands. Going to see the Hobson’s Bay City Council wallahs for an update and see if they have got any spare venues. The Captain over achieving again. Why are we not surprised.

The Website

Subtle addition of Newport Jazz as a reserve website. Should automatically bounce through to which is the actual website. Jess has been working on the band updates, but they have come in so fast we can barely keep up.

Festival badges:

The proofs are in


Susie V and the Debster are getting quotes for graphic design. Woo Hoo!

Check it all out at