Twas bigger than Ben Hur

The Captain Chaos Birthday Bash started in a hurry, and just kept getting busier and busier. It was the biggest Jam session on record. Only we didn’t record it, which is possibly a good thing.

We passed the previous record just before 7 o’ clock, when jammer No 34 got up to croon Happy Birthday to the Captain – Brigid De Neefe leading a massed choir of the Debster, Maria, Mme Sonia, Chrissie, Rachel, Kerrie, Lisette (possibly) and Julie. Croon is possibly an inapt description of the rendition, but it sent the Captain off to a fine dinner with relatives, friends, and jammers in the Atrium.

So… quantity, for sure, but what of the quality? Not that the defining element of a good Jam Session is necessarily quality, but with the likes of that bounder Clarke in bristling good form, Alex Yarosh possibly shading Tom on guitar (but only just), David Lole and Sam Izzo leading the charge on keys, with Bob and meself grabbin’ a couple of toons each, the Hirsh, M Sebastien, Bruce and Alan Richards slappin’ the skins, Kevin croonin’, Taariq his usual self (bass and then drums), Lisette and Julie having fun as a duo, Agus sublime, Tony, Ali, Keef and Peter Cole on sax, Terry trying some nice guitar, as did the original lounge lizard Ray Hood (happy birthday to you also!), Richard a newcomer on flugel, and his mate Bill so bemused he actually didn’t play trombone, Benjamin who flew in from Berlin to play guitar (hope he can’t afford the return flight yet!) and Doug Kuhn and Anton holding up the bass end of proceedings with Ivan the terrible having dropped in without so much as a violin, so he didn’t play, nor did Trev the harp (sorry Trev!),

…the quality was up there with the best.

You will have to go back and read that sentence again.

Should be dead quiet this week…

The Sunday Jam, every week at the Leinster Arms, Gold Street, Colliwobble, from 4.00pm until we knock off around 7.30.